What is 0.008 as a fraction?

Do you want to know how to write the decimal number 0.008 as a fraction?

Here we will show you step-by-step how to convert 0.008 so you can write it as a fraction.

You can take any number, such as 0.008, and write a 1 as the denominator to make it a fraction and keep the same value, like this:

0.008 / 1

To get rid of the decimal point in the numerator, we count the numbers after the decimal in 0.008, and multiply the numerator and denominator by 10 if it is 1 number, 100 if it is 2 numbers, 1000 if it is 3 numbers, and so on.

Therefore, in this case we multiply the numerator and denominator by 1000 to get the following fraction:

8 / 1000

Then, we need to divide the numerator and denominator by the greatest common divisor (GCD) to simplify the fraction.

The GCD of 8 and 1000 is 8. When we divide the numerator and denominator by 8, we get the following:

1 / 125

Therefore, 0.008 as a fraction is as follows:

1 / 125

Bonus: If the answer above is an improper fraction, then we also display the mixed number answer below:


Decimal to Fraction Converter
Here you can submit another decimal for us to convert to a fraction.

What is 0.009 as a fraction?
Here is the next number on our list that we converted.

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