How to calculate 2/4 divided by 7/7

What is 2/4 divided by 7/7? How do you divide 2/4 by 7/7? Here we will explain and show you how to calculate 2/4 divided by 7/7.

Before we continue, remember that the numbers above the divider line are called numerators and the numbers below the divider line are called denominators.

Furthermore, the first fraction (2/4) is called the Dividend and the second fraction (7/7) is called the Divisor.

Here are step-by-step instructions showing you how to calculate 2/4 divided by 7/7.

1) We start by setting up 2/4 divided by 7/7 like this so it is easier to read:


2) Next, we flip the numerator and denominator of the Divisor and change the division sign (/) to a multiplication sign (x)


2) Then, we merge the two fractions together like this:

2 x 7
4 x 7

3) Finally, we multiply the numerators together and the denominators together.

2 x 7
4 x 7

That is it! Now you know how to calculate 2/4 divided by 7/7. The answer is below (simplified if necessary):


Dividing Fractions Calculator
Divide another set of fractions here:


How to calculate 2/4 divided by 7/8
Here are the next two fractions on our list that we have divided. Check out the explanation and solution!

The answer above is 2/4 divided by 7/7 in fraction form. You may also be interested to know that you can get the answer to 2/4 divided by 7/7 in decimal form by taking the fraction answer and dividing the numerator by the denominator.

14 / 28 = 0.5

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