What is 64/24 as a Mixed Number?

Here we will show you how to convert the improper fraction 64/24 to a mixed number (aka mixed fraction). We start by setting up the fraction below.


Step 1 - Find Whole Number
Calculate out how many times the denominator goes into the numerator. To do that, divide 64 by 24 and keep only what is to the left of the decimal point:

 64 / 24 = 2.6667 = 2

Step 2 - Find New Numerator
Multiply the answer from Step 1 by the denominator and deduct that from the original numerator.

 64 - (24 x 2) = 16

Step 3 - Put Together
Keep the original denominator and use the answers from Step 1 and Step 2 to get this:


Step 4 - Minimize
Minimize the fraction part from Step 3 by dividing the numerator and denominator by 8, which is the greatest common factor, to get the final answer. 64/24 as a Mixed Number is:


Improper Fraction To Mixed Number Converter
64/24 as a mixed number is not the only problem we solved. Go here to convert another improper fraction to a mixed number.

What is 64/25 as a Mixed Number?
Here is the next improper fraction on our list that we converted to a mixed number.

Terminology & Explanation

64 above the division line is called the numerator and 24 below the divison line is called the denominator.

We call the line that separates 64 and 24 the division line. It is also known as the fraction bar or vinculum.

64/24 is an improper fraction because the numerator is greater than the denominator.

A mixed number is an integer (whole number) and a proper fraction.

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