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Least Common Denominator (LCD) of 6 and 55

The Least Common Denominator of 6 and 55, also known as the Lowest Common Denominator of 6 and 55, is useful if you need to add, subtract, or compare two fractions with the denominators of 6 and 55.

The fractions with 6 and 55 denominators will look like this:


The Least Common Denominator of 6 and 55 is 330.

You need to multiply 6 by 55 and 55 by 6 to make them both 330. Furthermore, you need to multiply the numerators by the same amounts to keep the fraction values the same.

Therefore, you have to make the following calculations so the fractions keep the same values and get the same denominator:

X x 55
6 x 55
Y x 6
55 x 6

Which gives you the following two new fractions that you can add, subtract and compare:


You can substitute X and Y with the numerators of your fractions with 6 and 55 denominators. This way you can add, subtract and compare your fractions correctly.

Least Common Denominator Calculator
Please enter another two or three denominators below so we can calculate the Least Common Denominator (LCD) for you:

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Least Common Denominator (LCD) of 6 and 56
Here is the next set of numbers we have calculated the LCD for.



The Least Common Denominator of 6 and 55 is the same as the Least Common Multiple of 6 and 55.

To calculate what to multiply each denominator and corresponding numerator by, we divided the LCD by each of the denominators.


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