What is 2 2/3 as a Decimal?
Here we will write the mixed fraction 2 2/3 as a decimal. It is an easy four-step process.
Before we start, 2 2/3 can be labeled as: Whole Number Numerator/Denominator.
Step 1) Multiply the Whole Number by the Denominator:
2 x 3 = 6
Step 2) Add the Numerator to the result from Step 1:
6 + 2 = 8
Step 3) Make it into a fraction without the Whole Number by putting the result from Step 2 over the Original Denominator:
Step 4) Divide the Numerator by the Denominator to get 2 2/3 as a decimal:
8 / 3 = 2.666667
That's it. 2 2/3 as a decimal (rounded to two decimals if necessary) is:
Mixed Number to Decimal
2 2/3 as a Decimal is not the only mixed number we have converted to decimal. You can enter another one here.