What is 7 3/7 as an Improper Fraction?
Here we will show you how to convert the mixed number 7 3/7 to an improper fraction.
In other words, we will convert 7 3/7, which contains both a whole number and a fraction, to just an improper fraction.
Step 1 - Setup
First, we set up the mixed number 7 3/7 with different colors, so it is easy to follow along:
7 |
Step 2 - Multiply
Next, we multiply the whole number by the denominator.
7 x 7 = 49
Step 3 - Add Numerator
Then, we add the numerator to the answer we got in Step 2.
49 + 3 = 52
Step 4 - Solution
Finally, to get the solution, we keep the original denominator and make the numerator the answer from Step 3. Thus, 7 3/7 as an improper fraction is:
52 | |||
7 |
Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions
7 3/7 as an improper fraction is not the only problem we can do. Go here to convert another mixed number to an improper fraction.
What is 7 3/8 as an Improper Fraction?
Here is the next mixed number on our list that we converted to an improper fraction.