How to calculate 1/5 minus 9/7

What is 1/5 minus 9/7? Here we will explain and show you how to calculate 1/5 minus 9/7.

Note that numbers below the divider line are called denominators and numbers above the divider line are called numerators.

To subtract one fraction from another, you first find their common denominators and then you subtract the numerators.

We start by setting up 1/5 minus 9/7 like this so it is easier to read:


The denominators are 5 and 7. The least common multiple of 5 and 7 is 35. Therefore, you want to convert the fractions so they both have 35 as the denominator.

To do that, you multiply the first denominator by 7 to get 35 and the second denominator by 5 to get 35. You also have to multiply the numerators by the corresponding numbers to keep the fraction values intact:

1 x 7
5 x 7
9 x 5
7 x 5

Then you end up with 1/5 minus 9/7 converted so the fractions have a common denominator:


Now that the denominators are the same, you can subtract the fractions to make them into one fraction like this:

7 - 45

That is it! Now you know how to calculate 1/5 minus 9/7. The answer is below (simplified if necessary):

-1 3/35

Subtracting Fractions Calculator
Subtract another fraction here.


How to calculate 1/5 minus 9/8
Here is the next fraction subtraction problem that we solved. Check out the explanation and solution!

More Information:
You may also be interested to know that you can get 1/5 minus 9/7 in decimal form by taking the fraction answer and dividing the numerator by the denominator.

-38 / 35 = -1.08571

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