Distance between 1/4 and 4/2

You have come to the right place if you want to know how to calculate the distance between 1/4 and 4/2 on a number line. We will show you how to calculate the answer in fraction form and in decimal form.

We'll start by presenting the illustration below that shows you where 1/4 and 4/2 are positioned on a number line. This will help you fully understand and visualize our calculations.

To calculate the distance between two fractions on a number line, you simply calculate the difference between the two fractions and then find the absolute value of the difference. Thus, this is how you find the distance between 1/4 and 4/2 on a number line:

1/4 - 4/2 = -7/4
|-7/4| = 1 3/4

Now that we know that the distance between 1/4 and 4/2 on a number line is 1/4 in fraction form, we can get the distance in decimal form by dividing out the fraction:

7 รท 4 = 1.75

That is all there is to it, folks! We hope you found this tutorial helpful!

Distance Between Fractions
Submit another two fractions so we can calculate the distance between them on a number line for you.



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Here is another illustration and calculation you may find interesting!

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