What is the denominator of 157 as a repeating decimal? First, note that a fraction in its lowest form with the denominator of 157 will always have a repeating decimal if you divide the fraction (numerator divided by denominator).
Here we will count and show you the repeating digits when the numerator is 1 and denominator is 157. In other words, we will show you the recurring digits you get when you calculate 1 divided by 157.
Below is the answer to 1 divided by 157 with the repeating decimals. We colored each interval of repeating decimals in different colors so it is easy for you to see. The repeating decimals (recurring digits) go on forever.
As you can see, the repeating digits are 006369426751592356687898089171974522292993630573248407643312101910828025477707 which will repeat indefinitely. When we counted the repeating decimals, we found that there are 78 repeating decimals in 1/157 as a decimal.
Repeating Decimal Calculator
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Denominator of 158 as a repeating decimal
Here is the next denominator on our list that we have similar repeating decimal information about.
Note that the answer above only applies to 1/157. You will get a different answer if the numerator is different. Furthermore, 157 as a denominator in a fraction is only repeating for sure if the fraction is in its lowest form possible.
Bonus: To communicate what numbers are repeating in a repeating decimal, you put a line (vinculum) over the repeating digits like this:
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