What divided by 1/3 equals 3/7?

Here we will show you how to calculate "what" in this sentence: "What divided by 1/3 equals 3/7?" We start by making this word problem into an algebraic equation where "what" is the variable "x".

x / (1/3) = (3/7)

To solve this equation, we want x alone on the left side of the equation so we start by multiplying (1/3) on both sides like this:

(x / (1/3)) • 1/3 = (3/7) • (1/3)

(x / (1/3)) • 1/3 leaves x and (3/7) • (1/3) is 1/7 which means we end up with this x = 1/7. Therefore, the answer to "What divided by 1/3 equals 3/7?" is as follows:


It is always good to double-check your math to make sure you did it right. When we entered 1/7 for x in this equation x / (1/3) = (3/7), we get the following true equation which means our math is correct.

(1/7) / (1/3) = (3/7)

What Divided By Fraction Equals Fraction Calculator
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What Divided By


What divided by 1/3 equals 3/8?
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