Pie Chart of 5/14

To create a pie chart showing you how much 5/14 is, we first divided the pie (or circle) into 14 equal parts. Then we colored 5 of the 14 parts green. Here is our result:

Pie chart showing 5/14

The pie chart of 5/14 not only gives you a visual of how much 5/14 of a whole is, but also shows you how much of the whole is not 5/14. To calculate what is not 5/14 of the pie chart, we simply subtracted 5/14 from one.

Pie Chart Fraction Maker
Get the pie chart for another fraction here. Make sure to submit a fraction where the numerator is smaller than the denominator.


Pie Chart of 5/15
Here is the next pie chart we have created for you.

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